


In the following sub pages we have described in detail the process that we follow to find you a suitable job. Each sub page is about one of the steps. Please read through each step for advice and tips on how to improve your chance of finding a good contract.

Of course there will be always be other questions that you have and special requirements or different situations that you have so please don’t hesitate to contact us with any further questions.

Please feel free to ask us anything. With the amount of travel we have done to many countries, our years of experience in this industry and experience we have gained through placing many teachers throughout China we are confident that we can help you through this process and be Kauzenfun and sort any hassles you might encounter along the way.



When sending us an email please include a phone number so that we can call you back. Often it is easier to call you and discuss your exact situation rather than give general answers via email.

Also we use Skype a fair bit as well. We find this good to “chat” or call or even video call if you have a web cam. Today’s technology makes it so easy and cheap to stay in touch from anywhere in the world.